
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 156100293
2.   CN 5330622
3.   NL 3829512
4.   CA 3238059
5.   US 2771520
6.   RU 1165886
7.   FR 1068431
8.   IN 929813
9.   DE 781553
10.   BG 591957
11.   VN 529139
12.   GB 501487
13.   RS 451567
14.   HK 421984
15.   BD 331243
Most abused passwords
1. admin 717169
2. password 690703
3. abc123 688620
4. password1 674451
5. info 660713
6. a1b2c3d4 653581
7. passwd 651208
8. admin123 642478
9. 666666 639917
10. admin1 625472
11. p@55w0rd 625398
12. default 622510
13. administrator 619997
14. demo 618206
15. contact 617328